Thursday, 17 December 2015

Robert Bertel - Self Growth through Self Employment

Robert Bertel is a New Orleans-based businessman who is both the Owner and President of Bertel Shipping Co. Inc. He is living his life dream with his wife of over three decades and he doesn't plan to stop anytime soon. Entrepreneurial endeavors like Robert Bertel's often do more than make money and give you something to be proud of. They encourage and enable self-growth. People do not simply wake up and start a successful business. They must work for it, often putting in more hours than they would otherwise, and they learn and grow in the process.

One thread that almost every entrepreneurial endeavor has in common is sacrifice. Learning to make sacrifices, whether you are sacrificing time or money, will engender dedication and selflessness. Though selflessness through self-employment might sound counter intuitive, many entrepreneurs are more inclined to donate their time and money to causes they believe in after starting a successful business. Pursuing your entrepreneurial endeavor will also foster strong decision-making skills. When you work for yourself, you do not have a boss or superior to leave the hard choices to. You must make them yourself, and many of those decisions will be intimidating. This is often how businessmen like Robert Bertel become sure of themselves, and it is a quality that aids them both in their professional and personal lives. When your decisions lead to success, your decision-making skills begin to create self-confidence. Your confidence will be in yourself, your decisions and your planning abilities, as these are the things that lead to success in almost all entrepreneurial endeavors. Finally, one of the best qualities that self-employment creates is the drive to constantly learn new things. When you start your entrepreneurial business, keep a journal and look back one day at how the process changed you.