Thursday 17 December 2015

Robert Bertel - Self Growth through Self Employment

Robert Bertel is a New Orleans-based businessman who is both the Owner and President of Bertel Shipping Co. Inc. He is living his life dream with his wife of over three decades and he doesn't plan to stop anytime soon. Entrepreneurial endeavors like Robert Bertel's often do more than make money and give you something to be proud of. They encourage and enable self-growth. People do not simply wake up and start a successful business. They must work for it, often putting in more hours than they would otherwise, and they learn and grow in the process.

One thread that almost every entrepreneurial endeavor has in common is sacrifice. Learning to make sacrifices, whether you are sacrificing time or money, will engender dedication and selflessness. Though selflessness through self-employment might sound counter intuitive, many entrepreneurs are more inclined to donate their time and money to causes they believe in after starting a successful business. Pursuing your entrepreneurial endeavor will also foster strong decision-making skills. When you work for yourself, you do not have a boss or superior to leave the hard choices to. You must make them yourself, and many of those decisions will be intimidating. This is often how businessmen like Robert Bertel become sure of themselves, and it is a quality that aids them both in their professional and personal lives. When your decisions lead to success, your decision-making skills begin to create self-confidence. Your confidence will be in yourself, your decisions and your planning abilities, as these are the things that lead to success in almost all entrepreneurial endeavors. Finally, one of the best qualities that self-employment creates is the drive to constantly learn new things. When you start your entrepreneurial business, keep a journal and look back one day at how the process changed you.

Sunday 13 December 2015

Robert Bertel - Making Your Own Success

Many entrepreneurs will tell you that success comes to those who make it, and if you do not prepare for success, you will never have it. Robert Bertel has always been a success-oriented man and, by preparing for his personal success, he is now living his dream as the President and Owner of Bertel Shipping Co. Inc. If you would like to make your own success instead of living a life working for other people, you first need to acknowledge that working for yourself isn't always the easiest path. People like Robert Bertel typically work longer and harder in the beginning of their success story, and those who are not prepared for this typically fail in creating their own success.

To best prepare for the difficulty involved with making your own success, learn from the mistakes of others and avoid their mistakes on your own path. One of the largest entrepreneurial downfalls is procrastination. Everyone has time for the things that they make time for, and if you think you don't have time to pursue your business, you need to make time. This prevents you from putting it off “until you have time” and it forces you to take action now. Apply this mindset to all things related to your endeavors and you will be closer to making your own success than many other entrepreneur hopefuls. Successful business owners like Robert Bertel also avoid setting overwhelming goals. Instead, they break their goals down into manageable steps that they can actually accomplish. Avoiding overwhelming goals makes it easier to avoid procrastination, too, because you are less likely to procrastinate on a task that you feel like you can accomplish.

Friday 27 November 2015

Robert Bertel: Why Working for Yourself Makes You Happy

Entrepreneurs like Robert Bertel more often report career happiness than people who work for big-name businesses just doing what it takes to pay the bills. Even people who are part of successful teams with a company that they love report lower job happiness than those who run their own businesses. There are dozens of reasons that people like Robert Bertel, owner of Bertel Shipping Co. Inc., are happier with their lives, and though these reasons differ for everyone, there are often common points that entrepreneurs agree on.
The most cited example that even non-entrepreneurs think about, is schedule flexibility. If you own your business, it's up to you to set your hours, and you can change them if and when you need to. Additionally, after the buckle-down period of starting your business is over, you will have more spare time on top of your more flexible schedule. This makes spending time with those who matter most to you, doing the activities which matter most to you, much more feasible. The reason all of this is possible is because you, the owner of your business, will be the one who calls the shots, sets the deadlines and creates the work environment. When you're in charge of the big decisions, it's easier to make choices that lead to happiness in your life. Entrepreneurs like Robert Bertel also benefit from the ability to pursue their passion, which is a large factor in career happiness, and to build something from the ground up. While pursuing your passion and creating something that you love, you will be able to meet new people, build a team that you believe in and help people by creating jobs and by providing services to your clients. All of these factors, and more, make entrepreneurship a happy endeavor.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Robert Bertel - Benefits of Franchise Operations

Before Robert Bertel switched his focus solely to owning and operating Bertel Shipping Co. Inc., his New Orleans-based company, he was also the partial owner of several Smoothie King franchise locations. Franchise ownership is a goal of many business persons for various reasons, but still many others write it off as gimmicky, financially dangerous or too expensive. The truth of the matter, though, is that businessmen like Robert Bertel have proven over several decades that franchising can be, and often is, a successful business endeavor. In addition to the opportunity for financial success, owning or partially owning a franchise offers many other professional benefits.

A good franchise ownership is, first and foremost, an impressive addition to your professional track record. To better add to your track record, look for franchise companies with an existing history of success, as well, as these are the companies that you are most likely to succeed with. In addition to success on your professional track record, involvement with a franchise places a well-known brand in your CV, which can garner national, or sometimes even international, respect. When owners and partial owners work with a large franchise company, they have access to high-quality training programs that will educate you on how to successfully run a business, which can later translate into splitting off and founding your own company, which is what Robert Bertel did. In addition to training programs, large franchising operations offer ongoing support via dedicated support staff members and marketing assistance. The marketing assistance will teach you strategies and tools that relate to both your chosen franchise and to personal endeavors in the future.

Friday 13 November 2015

Robert Bertel - Keeping Customers Happy

If you are going to work with the public, you need to know how to keep your customers happy. Robert Bertel strives to keep his customers happy at all times and knows how important it is for his business.  The happier your customers are, the more likely they will be to recommend your services to other and return with their business in the future. Here are some tips to help you keep your customer happy.

Listen to the needs of your customers and make sure you understand them. Don’t be afraid to ask your customer what you can do to improve your customer service or your business. Most customers will be happy to offer some advice.

Don’t just give your customers a short answer and expect them to be satisfied. Talk to them and be genuine. Take the time to explain your answer and how you plan to handle a situation or problem. This will reassure your customers and help them trust you.

Be Kind
Nobody wants to deal with someone who is rude and inconsiderate. You may be frustrated with a customer or a work day, but you need to stay kind, calm and polite. Remember that your customers are the reason you are in business.

Treat them kindly
If you can’t keep your customers happy, they aren't likely to return or recommend you to other people. Robert Bertel makes his customers a priority and works hard to keep them happy at all times. Remember that you wouldn't be in business if it wasn’t for your customers. Keep them happy.

Monday 2 November 2015

Robert Bertel - Tips For Storing Wine

Wine is best when stored properly and enjoyed while it is fresh. You don’t want your wine to get stale so it is important to store it right. Robert Bertel enjoys a variety of wines and when he stores it, he makes sure it is done in a way that will preserve its quality. Here are some tips for storing wine.

Re-Cork It

Save the cork when you remove it from your wine bottle. You can use this cork to seal the bottle of wine back when you are done drinking it. This will keep it from growing flat and stale before you drink it again.

Put It in the Fridge

The coldness of the fridge may not be enough to completely stop the wine from breaking down, but it can slow down the process and make it last longer. Store your wine in the fridge to keep it fresher longer.

Keep Out the Air

Air flattens and ruins wine. If you want to keep your wine fresher longer, you need to keep the air out of it. Instead of storing full bottles, consider storing your wine in half bottles. This will help some of the air out of the wine and keep it fresher longer.

If you really want to enjoy wine the way Robert Bertel does, you need to make sure you are keeping it fresh. Whether you plan to drink it yourself or share it with others, you want to enjoy a wine that tastes great. Storing your wine properly will make it taste better and last longer.